UPDATE: 07-1-2021
Physical distancing and barrier requirements regardless of employee vaccination status are no longer required by Cal/OSHA. However, physical distancing measures we have in place are still recommended at this time; it is recommended that unvaccinated persons physically distance indoors, where they are required to wear a face covering, to the extent possible.
CPC will evaluate the need to reinstate physical distancing and/or the use of barriers if there is an outbreak on campus (3 or more cases in an exposed group of employees) or there is a major outbreak (20 or more cases in an exposed group of employees).
Restrictions for visitors of employees have been lifted. Vendors and contractors will continue to check in at the front desk.
The CPC COVID Response Team will continue to monitor the course of the pandemic, including the Delta variant, and will modify this policy as necessary to adapt to changing circumstances and guidance.
Thank you for your flexibility in the face of evolving circumstances. We appreciate the many ways in which the campus community has come together to support the student experience during this time.
UPDATE: 06-29-2020
Even during Covid-19, your CPC administration has been working to improve our school. We are happy to announce that as of today, CPC was granted Initial Accreditation by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior
Colleges, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACCJC). The accreditation received is for the maximum period allowable where our next self-evaluation report is not due until the Spring of 2027. Thanks to all administrators, faculty, staff and students who assisted in accomplishing this major achievement!
UPDATE: 06-05-2020
UPDATE 06.05.2020:
Letter from the President of CPC
UPDATE 04.06.2020:
Letter from the President of CPC
Dear CPC employees and volunteers,
UPDATE 03.24.2020:
Letter from the President of CPC
Dear CPC Students,
Here is the update we promised. We hope that you’re doing well and finding ways to successfully navigate these difficult times while dealing with the Coronavirus epidemic.
Today, we administrators met to decide the plan on how to conduct classes once spring break is over. As you know, the legal requirements are unpredictable but we are going to try to do our best to make the situation work for you and CPC.
Starting on March 30, classes will begin, but each instructor will work with you to do the classes from a distance – without in-person classes. Generally we are encouraging teachers to use the Zoom and/or Edmodo applications. So, to best prepare for distance learning, you should download these free apps on your phone and laptop.
To learn more about Zoom, click here. For Edmodo, click here.
Each teacher will contact you about which application they plan on using and the details of the class, but using Zoom will be the general rule. A couple of teachers may have exceptions and in those cases we will let you know of their plan.
Your classes will still meet on the same schedule and at the same time as now, they will just be completed online instead of in the classroom.
Your teacher should contact you late this week or early next week by email to give directions for your login for class. If your teacher fails to contact you or if you have additional trouble, please contact Jamie Bird, Gene Edelbach or the assistants that work for Gene. Please contact us by text or email.
We are planning to have our courses taught with distance learning tools through April 7th. On April 8th we plan to begin on-campus courses again unless the government extends the ban on gatherings.
You will get another notice around April 6th to let you know if you’ll need to come back to class on campus or continue through the end of the year online. Again, at this point we plan to have you come back to campus on the 8th. However, things could change and if so, we will let you know. Please keep checking your emails and the CPC website for updates.
The campus will continue to be open from 8:30 a.m. until 12:00 noon each business day. We encourage you to do your communication by email or texting, however. To take care of business matters you are welcome to come in during our open hours, but only if you’ve made an arrangement with the person you’re wishing to see beforehand.
Registration begins tomorrow using email only. You will be able to complete your registration by email and through direct communication with your life counselor.
Again, take care of yourself and let’s all continue to support and pray for each other.
Gene Edelbach
California Preparatory College
03.20.2020: Letter from the President of CPC
Dear CPC Students,
I hope each one of you and your families are in good health and remain safe and secure.
I know this is a crazy and insecure time. The CPC employee family continues to pray for each one of you and your personal health and success. We encourage you to do the same for us and each other.
Although we certainly don’t have the resources to solve every problem that you might encounter, just know that if you cannot solve your extreme emergency problems please contact us and we will try to help in any way we can.
Next Monday afternoon you will receive an announcement of our tentative plans to operate classes and our offices following spring break. Please keep checking your email and our website for updates.
Obviously the California Governor’s announcement last night will have an impact on what we decide to do, but we are still dedicated in one way or another to completing your semester in a successful way.
We will continue to be open for operation for limited purposes, but because of the Governor’s order yesterday to remain at home except for limited situations, we need to cancel all group activities and to communicate with you individually through text, email, phone or online whenever possible.
For your information, the Governor’s order specifically allows colleges to continue their operations, except for having in person classes and gatherings on campus. CPC is considered to be part of the 16 critical infrastructure sectors that is actually required to keep working. Colleges, both public and private, fall under the Government Facilities Sector that is considered to be essential. Therefore, for instance, meetings with Life Counselors and office staff to register for classes, meeting to pay your school bill, etc… is not prohibited – but actually encouraged. To view the actual Order from the Governor, click here: https://covid19.ca.gov/img/N-33-20.pdf.
To understand what is required of colleges and for students to maintain their safety and health, you can review the CDC website here: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/colleges-universities/index.html.
This is IMPORTANT – if you are an essential student worker and have been scheduled to work, please come and complete your shift. For future work schedules, your CPC supervisor will let you know what your work schedule will be and whether or not you will be needed to work. As mentioned, all our staff and instructors and essential student workers are allowed to come to campus as needed to do their work.
For the indefinite future CPC office hours will be from 8:30 a.m. until 12:00 noon each day. We encourage you not to come to campus unless you have an emergency situation or have arranged to meet with CPC staff or management.
We have been slow to start registration because of all the Covid-19 issues, but we believe that you will receive a schedule for summer by late today or Sunday at the latest.
We will do our registration through email, text and telephone and hope to have you all registered in the month of April for our classes that begin this summer. For all of you international students, we will diligently protect your immigration status and or your change in status process during this time.
Again, on Monday I will give you more details, in the meantime stay safe and be sure to contact us if you need our help. During this time, please check your emails and texts regularly and respond quickly so that we can deal with any issues that may arise or change in the future.
Each one of you is so important to the CPC family. We will do our best to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible through this difficult time. Let’s all continue to pray for each other and support each other in every way possible.
Please continue to contact any staff or faculty during appropriate business hours as needed.
If I personally can be of help, I welcome anyone of you to email me at gedelbach@calprepcollege.com or text me at 951.809.6777. Calling me is generally not a great way to communicate. Texting is the absolute best way to communicate with me.
Have a great weekend and a happy Sabbath!
Gene Edelbach
California Preparatory College
1250 E. Cooley Drive, Colton, CA 92324
+1 (909) 370 4800
Dear CPC Faculty, Staff and Students,
We are taking the Coronavirus seriously however as of March 12, 2020, we are planning on continuing face-to-face instruction through March 18, 2020. This means that spring break will officially begin on Thursday, March 19 and extend through the 27th. During the extended break the school will only be open for limited hours between 8:30 am and 12:00 pm each day with limited services. All staff and administration will be contacted by Gene Edelbach or Irma Mariscal to arrange a schedule.
Prior to the closure of the school for spring break and due to concerns regarding the spread of the coronavirus we are asking that any faculty, staff or students who express any flu-like symptoms PLEASE STAY HOME!
A number of CPC students and instructors provide some type of healthcare service which may result in the transmission of any illness to patients who may be less likely to be able to fight off the virus.
Though you may have a longer spring break we strongly discourage CPC students from traveling during this break. Please do not plan on leaving the country as you may be quarantined upon re-entry. Yesterday evening President Trump announced that travel from most of Europe will be suspended for thirty days beginning on Saturday morning, March 14, 2020. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-suspends-travel-from-europe-to-us-for-30-days/ar-BB114kDJ?li=BBnb7Kz
The situation with coronavirus is changing rapidly and we do not know what to expect. In the meantime please take all necessary common-sense precautions to limit the spread of germs. Please review this list of steps you can take to limit the spread of illness: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/about/prevention.html
For those who are feeling ill, please send an email to your course instructor and copy Gene (gedelbach@calprepcollege.com), your Life Counselor and the Academic Dean (jbird@calprepcollege.com) on your email. As long as we know why a student or faculty member is missing class you will not be penalized. We want those who are ill to recover as quickly as possible and to limit the spread of the virus.
Over the next few weeks, we will be taking extra precautions to keep our campus as germ-free as possible. After each class, a disinfectant spray will be used and hand sanitizer will be made available in each classroom. Please use the hand sanitizer as available and wash your hands often!
For those of you who were planning on registering for the summer term. Registration will start next Monday, if you are sick or wish to not come on campus during the break to register you may do so with your counselor by email until April 1, 2020. Unless otherwise announced, normal on-campus registration will resume on April 2, 2020.
Please know that whatever the situation may be, we will find a way to complete the spring term. If the school is closed we will find alternate methods of completion. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
Please continue to check your email for updates regarding this situation and keep those who are sick in your prayers.
CPC Administrative Team
California Preparatory College
1250 E. Cooley Drive, Colton, CA 92324
+1 (909) 370 4800