California Preparatory College is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC), 428 J Street, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95814, (415) 506-0234, an institutional accrediting body recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation and the U.S. Department of Education. Additional information about accreditation, including the filing of complaints against member institutions, can be found at:
CPC’s next comprehensive review will occur in the spring of 2027 and its Midterm Report is due on March 15, 2024.
Accreditation as a system of voluntary, non-governmental self-regulation and peer review is unique to American educational institutions. It is a system by which an institution evaluates itself in accordance with standards of good practice regarding goals and objectives; the appropriateness, sufficiency, and utilization of resources; the usefulness, integrity, and effectiveness of its processes; and the extent to which it is achieving its intended outcomes. It is a process by which accreditors provide students, the public, and each other with assurances of institutional integrity, quality, and effectiveness. Accreditation is intended to encourage institutions to plan for institutional improvement in quality and effectiveness.
Regional accreditation ensures that an institution’s academic program meets acceptable levels of quality. Institutions must be accredited by a federally recognized accrediting agency, like ACCJC, to qualify for participation in federal financial aid programs that provide grants and low-cost loans to students.
Attending a regionally accredited institution is also an important consideration for students who want to transfer credits to another institution or will want to pursue admission to four-year colleges or graduate programs later on. Regionally accredited colleges and universities typically accept credits from other regionally accredited institutions. Each individual institution may decide which transfer credits to accept, however.
For further information, links to ACCJC’s letter to CPC granting Initial Accreditation, CPC’s Preaccreditation Follow-Up Report, the Follow-up ACCJC Team Report, the ACCJC Candidacy Approval letter and the November 2019 Peer Review Team Report are all included below.
ACCJC January 16, 2024 Action Letter
ACCJC June 29, 2020 Initial Accreditation Letter
CPC’s Preaccreditation Follow-Up Report
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