Student Learning Outcomes

Student Learning Outcomes are statements that specify what students will know, be able to do or be able to demonstrate when they have completed or participated in a Course or Program.  SLO’s specify an action by the student that must be observable, measurable, and able to be demonstrated.


Institutional Student Learning Outcomes (ISLO’s) describe the abilities, skills and knowledge that students will acquire at CPC where such skills and knowledge are also aligned with the mission of the college.  As part of the experience, students will also develop attitudes and outlooks befitting a college-educated person.


Program Student Learning Outcomes (PSLO’s) are specific to a discipline, department or program that offers Degrees or Certificates.


The ISLO’s and the ISPL’s at CPC are outlined below:

Next Meeting

SLO Assessment Committee Meeting – December 6, 2019


Last Meeting

SLO Assessment Committee Meeting – August 9, 2019.


Supporting Documents:

  • Course Evaluation Template
  • SLO Course Review Assessment
  • SLO Manual

Contact Information:

Please contact Anthony Cadavid (SLO Assessment Chair) for more information.

Institutional Learning Outcomes

California Preparatory College’s (CPC) institutional learning outcomes are the overarching outcomes that reflect CPC’s mission statement.  They serve as a guide in the development of student learning outcomes for programs, courses, and administrative services.

The following institutional learning outcomes reflect the understandings and skills that students will obtain at CPC.

Upon completion of the CPC program, students will be able to:

  • Analyze, synthesize and evaluate various forms of information.
  • Demonstrate effective oral and written communication.
  • Demonstrate their commitment to service through participation in activities that serve the needs of individuals.
  • Propose resolutions to current societal challenges in the context of Christian principles.
  • Understand the components that contribute to personal spiritual maturity.
  • Understand the dynamics of personal spiritual maturity.


Role Name
SLO Chair/Institutional Effectiveness Representative  Anthony Cadavid
Faculty Representative
Academic Dean Jamie Bird
Committee Administrative Support Jankel C.


Role Name
Administrative Representative Gene Edelbach
Compliance Representative Joel Peterson




Role Name
Student Council Rep Yuichen Michelle Yin
Student Council Rep Pauline Mendoza

Program Learning Outcomes for Associate of Science: Health Science

Upon completion of the required courses in this area, students will be able to:

  • Outline the basic concepts of natural science including fundamentals of biology, microbiology, chemistry, or anatomy and physiology.
  • Analyze scientific information through the application of proper study techniques, critical inquiry, and the application of problem solving skills.
  • Research information and communicate findings in a manner appropriate for health professions.

Program Learning Outcomes for Associate of Arts: Business

Upon completion of the required courses in this area, students will be able to:

  • Evaluate a case study through the application of the relevant business principles from the different areas of study, such as, accounting, management, marketing, finance, or economics.
  • Compare and contrast the multiple perspectives of an ethical dilema.
  • Research a business topic and develop a coherent and persuasive verbal presentation.

Program Learning Outcomes for English as a Second Language

The primary objective of the ESL program at CPC is to prepare non-native speakers of English to successfully function in an English speaking postsecondary environment. As such, the program aims to:

  • Develop English language skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing by having learners engage in a range of communicative tasks and activities.
  • Encourage the use of strategies, such as contextualization of new vocabulary, use of previewing, skimming and scanning techniques, and knowledge of text organization and discourse markers, to aid the comprehension of written and spoken language.
  • Expand the learner’s use of grammatically correct and situationally and culturally appropriate language in speaking and writing for effective communication in a variety of interpersonal and academic situations.
  • Create awareness about learning styles and college resources, encourage the adoption of study skills, and increase compentency in the use of technology so that learners may more effectively achieve academic goals.
  • Build cross-cultural understanding and confidence in using language through collaboration with classmates, increased participation in college activities, and increased interaction within the college and the larger community in order to complete class assignments such as surveys, reports, and presentations.

Program Learning Outcomes for the Western Healthcare Practices and Communication

Certificate (WHPC)

The primary objective of the WHPC program at CPC is to prepare foreign healthcare professionals to successfully function in an English speaking healthcare environment.

Upon completion of the required courses in this area, students will be able to:

  • Understand the role of insurance in the U.S. healthcare system.
  • Synthesize patient assessment in English from data including anatomy and  physiology, pathophysiology and pharmacology using critical thinking in order to safely manage rapidly changing and complex patient problems.
  • Compare and contrast healthcare delivery systems in their home countries with that of the U.S.
  • Conduct basic nursing tasks such as patient vitals and history, perform physical exams, provide health promotion and counseling education, administer wound care and numerous other personalized interventions in English.

For more information on our international programs, please contact Jankel Cadavid.