
This page is being constructed to contain relevant information to CPC’s faculty and staff that will be accessed through a private sign-on, password process.   Please come back later to see the progress of this page and access information that will include faculty and staff handbooks, CPC policy and procedures, needed forms, orientation and HR information, student learning outcomes process, access to the CPC grading portal, sexual harassment and safety training materials, faculty and staff directory and contact information, etc…


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ARRAP Process


ARRAP is a tool that ensures that California Preparatory College engages in continuous assessment to improve its practices and procedures at all levels of the institution in order to meet its mission. ARRAP (pronounced “ā-wrap”) is essentially an assessment tool that “wraps” itself around every department, program and facet of the institution.


When used properly, this tool is structured to systematically review and assess the quality, viability, productivity, and outcomes of the college at all institutional levels, from each department up to and including the Board of Directors.


The ARRAP procedure collects data from all departments, including student learning outcome data from the academic departments, and summarizes this data in annual reports that are then summarized by the oversight committees and presented in the President’s Annual Report to the Board of Directors.


In each report from the department level and oversight committee, the institutional effectiveness and/or student learning outcomes are purposely reviewed on an ongoing basis – from the course level up to the highest levels of administration.


This data and information collected by the departments and oversight committees are then reported and summarized in the respective reports on an annual basis, culminating in the President’s Annual Report to the Board, to ensure institutional effectiveness, improve student learning outcomes, and align all departments with the mission of the college.


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